Andy Wenk
... means you’ll be productive. You won’t spend time setting up configuration files. You’ll spend less time thinking about where things go and what names to assign. And, because other developers have learned the same conventions, it is easier to collaborate.
... means that information is located in a single, unambiguous place. For example, using the ActiveRecord module of Rails, the developer does not need to specify database column names in class definitions. Instead, Ruby on Rails can retrieve this information from the database based on the class name.
... means that most of the application logic should be placed within the model while leaving the controller as light as possible.
Perl is a prime example of "non-opinionated" software; there's no "right way" or "best way" to solve programming problems in Perl. Famously, Perl's documentation states, "In general, [Perl's built-in functions] do what you want, unless you want consistency."
Sumo::Application.routes.draw do
root to: redirect('/start')
match '/start', to: 'pages#home', as: 'home'
match '/impressum', to: 'pages#imprint', as: 'imprint'
post 'bestellung/bestellen', controller: 'checkout', action: 'place_order', as: 'checkout_place_order'
get 'bestellung/bestaetigung', controller: 'checkout', action: 'confirm', as: 'checkout_confirm'
resources :registration, path: 'registrierung'
resources :cart, path: 'warenkorb' do
member do
get 'delete'