I started reading another book about the climate crises. And it is already a pain. The pain comes from the fact, that we are heading towards a future we cannot change anymore. We are faced with a temperature increase of approx. 4° Celcius until the year 2100. Even the most optimistic calculations of climate models show a minimum of 2.5° to 3° Celcius rise. The bad part about this: we cannot change it. Even when we stop all CO2 emissions now worldwide we would need to go into “negative emissions”. See “Time is Up!” - Mark Benecke im EU-Parlament (German only).
The results are brutal and are widely discussed already. I am not able to understand the inability of our governemts to not understand the immediate need to dramatically change the way we act. Everything is said and we are still debating the maximum temperature increase of 1.5° Celcius. This is not enough and it will not save our children and grandchildren of an uninhabitable earth.
David Wallace-Wells found the right words to describe what we humans do at the moment:
No matter how out-of-control the climate system seems - with its roiling typhoones, unprecedented famins and heat waves, refugee crises and climate conflicts - we are all its authors. And still writing.
David Wallace-Wells, The Uninhabitable Earth, page 42, Tim Dugan Books, New York, 2019